Make an Appointment: (479) 360-9080

Dr. Priscilla Mondt, Ph.D, LPC

Dr. Priscilla Mondt, Ph.D, LPC

As a cognitive therapist, I believe that belief systems either propel us forward or impede our growth.

Hello! I’m Priscilla

Many of us learned new things during the COVID shut down. I learned to propagate plants. I discovered that plants grow new roots at the points where wounded. This growth happens with time and care, much like counseling, to replace woundedness. Addressing woundedness enables us to reach our full potential and fulfill God’s calling and plan for our life. As a cognitive therapist, I believe that belief systems either propel us forward or impede our growth.

A lifetime of leadership in both the US Army (Retired) and Veterans Healthcare Administration (Retired), I understand systems and job stress. I am a combat Veteran of Desert Storm (82nd Airborne Division) and Iraqi Freedom (4th Infantry Division) and served with the United Nations Mission in Haiti. I served on the Pain Committee at the Veterans Healthcare Administration and know how physical suffering impacts mental health.

As both clergy and therapist, I do my best work addressing how belief systems impact mental health.

My Education & Certification

  • Ph.D., Counseling Education and Supervision, Regent University
  • M.Ed., Community Counseling, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
  • M.Div., Pastoral Ministries, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
  • B.S., Psychology with secondary education teaching certificate, Lee University
  • Licensed Professional Counselor, Arkansas Board of Examiners
  • Ordained, Assemblies of God
  • Certified, Myers-Briggs Temperament Indicator
  • Certified, Workplace Disputes Mediator
  • Certified, End of Life Nursing Education
  • Certified, Critical Incident Stress Management
  • Trained, Green Belt Systems Redesign
  • Multiple leadership training and certifications

Consulting & Speaking Engagements

I am available as a consultant for institutions such as churches, healthcare facilities, corporations and worksites in the area of relationship enhancement, social services, human behavior, ethics, diversity and leadership. I understand systems and how individuals working within are impacted. I am known for balancing the needs of an organization with the needs of individuals both as internal and external stakeholders. Whether you have a small team or an intricate organization, I will lead a team of professionals to evaluate any program. We will make recommendations for solutions that will enhance the effectiveness of your organization.

Accepted Insurance Carriers

  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield
  • Qualchoice
  • Ambetter
  • Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • UMR
  • Lucet
  • United Healthcare

Dr Pricilla Reshearch and Publications

Rogers Location
Sunnyside Baptist
210 East Locust Street
Rogers, AR 72756

Fayetteville Location
Appleby Business Center
2828 North McKee Circle Suite #119
4019 Remington Drive
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703
(479) 360-9080

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